Information Retrieval

By C. J. van Rijsbergen

Information retrieval is a wide, often loosely-defined term but in these pages I shall be concerned only with automatic information retrieval systems. Automatic as opposed to manual and information as opposed to data or fact. Unfortunately the word information can be very misleading. In the context of information retrieval (IR), information, in the technical meaning given in Shannon's theory of communication, is not readily measured (Shannon and Weaver). In fact, in many cases one can adequately describe the kind of retrieval by simply substituting 'document' for 'information'. Nevertheless, 'information retrieval' has become accepted as a description of the kind of work published by Cleverdon, Salton, Sparck Jones, Lancaster and others. A perfectly straightforward definition along these lines is given by Lancaster: 'Information retrieval is the term conventionally, though somewhat inaccurately, applied to the type of activity discussed in this volume. An information retrieval system does not inform (i.e. change the knowledge of) the user on the subject of his inquiry. It merely informs on the existence (or non-existence) and whereabouts of documents relating to his request.' This specifically excludes Question-Answering systems as typified by Winograd and those described by Minsky]. It also excludes data retrieval systems such as used by, say, the stock exchange for on-line quotations....
The structure of the book
The introduction presents some basic background material, demarcates the subject and discusses loosely some of the problems in IR. The chapters that follow cover topics in the order in which I would think about them were I about to design an experimental IR system. They begin by describing the generation of machine representations for the information, and then move on to an explanation of the logical structures that may be arrived at by clustering. There are numerous methods for representing these structures in the computer, or in other words, there is a choice of file structures to represent the logical structure, so these are outlined next. Once the information has been stored in this way we are able to search it, hence a discussion of search strategies follows. The chapter on probabilistic retrieval is an attempt to create a formal model for certain kinds of search strategies. Lastly, in an experimental situation all of the above will have been futile unless the results of retrieval can be evaluated. Therefore a large chapter is devoted to ways of measuring the effectiveness of retrieval. In the final chapter I have indulged in a little speculation about the possibilities for IR in the next decade.
The two major chapters are those dealing with automatic classification and evaluation. I have tried to write them in such a way that each can be read independently of the rest of the book (although I do not recommend this for the non-specialist).
  • Chapter 2: Automatic Text Analysis - contains a straightforward discussion of how the text of a document is represented inside a computer. This is a superficial chapter but I think it is adequate in the context of this book.
  • Chapter 3: Automatic Classification - looks at automatic classification methods in general and then takes a deeper look at the use of these methods in information retrieval.
  • Chapter 4: File Structures - here we try and discuss file structures from the point of view of someone primarily interested in information retrieval.
  • Chapter 5: Search Strategies - gives an account of some search strategies when applied to document collections structured in different ways. It also discusses the use of feedback.
  • Chapter 6: Probabilistic Retrieval - describes a formal model for enhancing retrieval effectiveness by using sample information about the frequency of occurrence and co-occurrence of index terms in the relevant and non-relevant documents.
  • Chapter 7: Evaluation - here I give a traditional view of the measurement of effectiveness followed by an explanation of some of the more promising attempts at improving the art. I also attempt to provide foundations for a theory of evaluation.
  • Chapter 8: The Future - contains some speculation about the future of IR and tries to pinpoint some areas of research where further work is desperately needed.
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Computational Modeling and Complexity Science

By Allen Downey

This book is about data structures and algorithms, intermediate programming in Python, complexity science and the philosophy of science: Data structures and algorithms: A data structure is a collection that contains data elements organized in a way that supports particular operations. For example, a dictionary organizes key-value pairs in a way that provides fast mapping from keys to values, but mapping from values to keys is generally slower. An algorithm is an mechanical process for performing a computation. Designing efficient programs often involves the co-evolution of data structures and the algorithms that use them. For example, the first few chapters are about graphs, a data structure (nested dictionaries) that is a good implementation of a graph, and several graph algorithms that use this data structure.
Python programming: This book picks up where Think Python leaves off. I assume that you have read that book or have equivalent knowledge of Python. As always, I will try to emphasize fundmental ideas that apply to programming in many languages, but along the way you will learn some useful features that are specific to Python. Computational modeling: A model is a simplified description of a system that is useful for simulation or analysis. Computational models are designed to take advantage of cheap, fast computation.
Philosophy of science: The models and results I will present raise a number of questions relevant to the philosophy of science, including the nature of scientific laws, theory choice, realism and instrumentalism, holism and reductionism, and Bayesian epistemology.
There are two kinds of computational models:
Continuous: Many computational models compute discrete approximations of equations that are continuous in space and time. For example, to compute the trajectory of a planet, you could describe planetary motion using differential equations and then compute a numerical approximation of the position of the planet at discrete points in time. The fields of numerical methods and scientific computing tend to focus on these kinds of models.
Discrete: Discrete models include graphs, cellular automata, and agent-based models. They are often characterized by structure, rules and transitions rather than by equations. They tend to be more abstract than continuous models; in some cases there is no direct correspondence between the model and a physical system. Complexity science is an interdiscipinary field—at the intersection of mathematics, computer science and physics—that focuses on these kinds of models.

And that’s what this book is about.
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Global Optimization Algorithms – Theory and Application

By Thomas Weise
This e-book is devoted to global optimization algorithms, which are methods to find optimal solutions for given problems. It especially focuses on Evolutionary Computation by discussing evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, Genetic Programming, Learning Classifier Systems, Evolution Strategy, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Ant Colony Optimization. It also elaborates on other metaheuristics like Simulated Annealing, Extremal Optimization, Tabu Search, and Random Optimization. The book is no book in the conventional sense: Because of frequent updates and changes, it is not really intended for sequential reading but more as some sort of material collection, encyclopedia, or reference work where you can look up stuff, find the correct context, and are provided with fundamentals. With this book, two major audience groups are addressed:
  • It can help students since we try to describe the algorithms in an understandable, consistent way and, maybe even more important, includes much of the background knowledge needed to understand them. Thus, you can find summaries on stochastic theory and theoretical computer science in Part IV on page 455. Additionally, application examples are provided which give an idea how problems can be tackled with the different techniques and what results can be expected.
  • Fellow researchers and PhD students may find the application examples helpful too. For them, in-depth discussions on the single methodologies are included that are supported with a large set of useful literature references.
If this book contains something you want to cite or reference in your work, please use the citation suggestion provided in Chapter D on page 591.

  • Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Genetic Programming
  • Learning Classifier Systems
  • Hill Climbing
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Example Applications
  • Sigoa – Implementation in Java
  • Background (Mathematics, Computer Science)
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Fast Fourier Transforms

By C. Sidney Burrus
This book focuses on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete convolution, and particularly, the fast algorithms to calculate them. These topics have been at the center of digital signal processing since its beginning, and new results in hardware, theory and applications continue to keep them important and exciting.
As far as we can tell, Gauss was the first to propose the techniques that we now call the fast Fourier transform (FFT) for calculating the coefficients in a trigonometric expansion of an asteroid's orbit in 1805. However, it was the seminal paper by Cooley and Tukey in 1965 that caught the attention of the science and engineering community and, in a way, founded the discipline of digital signal processing (DSP).
The impact of the Cooley-Tukey FFT was enormous. Problems could be solved quickly that were not even considered a few years earlier. A flurry of research expanded the theory and developed excellent practical programs as well as opening new applications. In 1976, Winograd published a short paper that set a second flurry of research in motion. This was another type of algorithm that expanded the data lengths that could be transformed efficiently and reduced the number of multiplications required. The ground work for this algorithm had be set earlier by Good [and by Rader. In 1997 Frigo and Johnson developed a program they called the FFTW (fastest Fourier transform in the west), which is a composite of many of ideas in other algorithms as well as new results to give a robust, very fast system for general data lengths on a variety of computer and DSP architectures. This work won the 1999 Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software.
It is hard to overemphasis the importance of the DFT, convolution, and fast algorithms. With a history that goes back to Gauss and a compilation of references on these topics that in 1995 resulted in over 2400 entries, the FFT may be the most important numerical algorithm in science, engineering, and applied mathematics. New theoretical results still are appearing, advances in computers and hardware continually restate the basic questions, and new applications open new areas for research. It is hoped that this book will provide the background, references, programs and incentive to encourage further research and results in this area as well as provide tools for practical applications.
Studying the FFT is not only valuable in understanding a powerful tool, it is also a prototype or example of how algorithms can be made efficient and how a theory can be developed to define optimality. The history of this development also gives insight into the process of research where timing and serendipity play interesting roles.
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Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples

By Granville Barnett and Luca Del Tongo

Every book has a story as to how it came about and this one is no different, although we would be lying if we said its development had not been somewhat impromptu. Put simply this book is the result of a series of emails sent back and forth between the two authors during the development of a library for the .NET framework of the same name (with the omission of the subtitle of course!). The conversation started of something like, Why don't we create a more aesthetically pleasing way to present our pseudocode?" After a few weeks this new presentation style had in fact grown into pseudocode listings with chunks of text describing how the data structure or algorithm in question works and various other things about it. At this point we thought, What the heck, let's make this thing into a book!" And so, in the summer of 2008 we began work on this book side by side with the actual library implementation. When we started writing this book the only things that we were sure about with respect to how the book should be structured were:
  1. always make explanations as simple as possible while maintaining a moderately fine degree of precision to keep the more eager minded reader happy; and
  2. inject diagrams to demystify problems that are even moderately challenging to visualize (. . . and so we could remember how our own algorithms worked when looking back at them); and finally
  3. present concise and self explanatory pseudo code listings that can be ported easily to most mainstream imperative programming languages like C++, C#, and Java.
A key factor of this book and its associated implementations is that all algorithms (unless otherwise stated) were designed by us, using the theory of the algorithm in question as a guideline (for which we are eternally grateful to their original creators). Therefore they may sometimes turn out to be worse than the "normal" implementations|and sometimes not. We are two fellows of the opinion that choice is a great thing. Read our book, read several others on the same subject and use what you see fit from each (if anything) when implementing your own version of the algorithms in question. Through this book we hope that you will see the absolute necessity of understanding which data structure or algorithm to use for a certain scenario. In all projects, especially those that are concerned with performance (here we apply an even greater emphasis on real-time systems) the selection of the wrong data structure or algorithm can be the cause of a great deal of performance pain
Therefore it is absolutely key that you think about the run time complexity and space requirements of your selected approach. In this book we only explain the theoretical implications to consider, but this is for a good reason: compilers are very different in how they work. One C++ compiler may have some amazing optimisation phases specically targeted at recursion, another may not, for example. Of course this is just an example but you would be surprised by how many subtle differences there are between compilers. These differences which may make a fast algorithm slow, and vice versa. We could also factor in the same concerns about languages that target virtual machines, leaving all the actual various implementation issues to you given that you will know your language's compiler much better than us...well in most cases. This has resulted in a more concise book that focuses on what we think are the key issues.
One final note: never take the words of others as gospel; verify all that can be feasibly veri¯ed and make up your own mind. We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we have enjoyed writing it.
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Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds

Written by P.-A. Absil, R. Mahony & R. Sepulchre

Foreword by Paul Van Dooren
Constrained optimization is quite well established as an area of research, and there exist several powerful techniques that address general problems in that area. In this book a special class of constraints is considered, called geometric constraints, which express that the solution of the optimization problem lies on a manifold. This is a recent area of research that provides powerful alternatives to the more general constrained optimization methods. Classical constrained optimization techniques work in an embedded space that can be of a much larger dimension than that of the manifold. Optimization algorithms that work on the manifold have therefore a lower complexity and quite often also have better numerical properties (see, e.g., the numerical integration schemes that preserve invariants such as energy). The authors refer to this as unconstrained optimization in a constrained search space.
The idea that one can describe difference or differential equations whose solution lies on a manifold originated in the work of Brockett, Flaschka, and Rutishauser. They described, for example, isospectral flows that yield time-varying matrices which are all similar to each other and eventually converge to diagonal matrices of ordered eigenvalues. These ideas did not get as much attention in the numerical linear algebra community as in the area of dynamical systems because the resulting difference and differential equations did not lead immediately to efficient algorithmic implementations.
An important book synthesizing several of these ideas is Optimization and DynamicalSystems (Springer, 1994), by Helmke and Moore, which focuses on dynamical systems related to gradient flows that converge exponentially to a stationary point that is the solution of some optimization problem. The corresponding discrete-time version of this algorithm would then have linear convergence, which seldom compares favorably with state-of-the-art eigenvalue solvers.
The formulation of higher-order optimization methods on manifolds grew out of these ideas. Some of the people that applied these techniques to basic linear algebra problems include Absil, Arias, Chu, Dehaene, Edelman, Eld´en, Gallivan, Helmke, H¨uper, Lippert, Mahony, Manton, Moore, Sepulchre, Smith, and Van Dooren. It is interesting to see, on the other hand, that several basic ideas in this area were also proposed by Luenberger and Gabay in the optimization literature in the early 1980s, and this without any use of dynamical systems.
In the present book the authors focus on higher-order methods and include Newton-type algorithms for optimization on manifolds. This requiresa lot more machinery, which cannot currently be found in textbooks. The main focus of this book is on optimization problems related to invariant subspaces of matrices, but this is sufficiently general to encompass well the two main aspects of optimization on manifolds: the conceptual algorithm and its convergence analysis based on ideas of differential geometry, and the efficient numerical implementation using state-of-the-art numerical linear algebra techniques.
The book is quite deep in the presentation of the machinery of differential geometry needed to develop higher-order optimization techniques, but it nevertheless succeeds in explaining complicated concepts with simple ideas. These ideas are then used to develop Newton-type methods as well as other superlinear methods such as trust-region methods and inexact and quasi-Newton methods, which precisely put more emphasis on the efficient numerical implementation of the conceptual algorithms.
This is a research monograph in a field that is quickly gaining momentum. The techniques are also being applied to areas of engineering and robotics, as indicated in the book, and it sheds new light on methods such as the Jacobi-Davidson method, which originally came from computational chemistry. The book makes a lot of interesting connections and can be expected to generate several new results in the future.
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