This web site is hosted in part by the Software Quality Group of the Software Diagnostics and Conformance Testing Division, Information Technology Laboratory.
This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to implementations and more information. Index pages list entries by area and by type. The two-level index has a total download 1/20 as big as this page.
Don't use this site to cheat. Teachers, contact us if we can help.
To define or correct terms, please contact Paul E. Black. We need help in automata theory, combinatorics, parallel or randomized algorithms, heuristics, and quantum computing. We do not include algorithms particular to business data processing, communications, operating systems or distributed algorithms, programming languages, AI, graphics, or numerical analysis: it is tough enough covering "general" algorithms and data structures. However, if you want to tackle one of these areas, we'll consider including them.
Some terms with a leading variable, such as n-way, m-dimensional, or p-branching, are under k-. You may find terms dealing with hardware, the computer industry, slang, etc., in the Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing or in A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms.